Friday, August 21, 2009
Sommore Image Testing!
That last one went well, agreed?

Let's try out some more, this one is again from my days in Houston. I think this one is the Davis Food City project, again pulled off in Autodesk Combustion 4.

Test Post of Images From Past VFX Projects!
Sorry, the look for this post can get quite messy, but I'm doing this in a hurry, so please forgive me.
These are images hosted by ImageShack, which seems to be a bit more reliable than ImageCave.
After many frustrating attempts to batch upload images to ImageCave, I gave up and decided to cancel my (free) account with them. Went to ImageShack and had a pain-free experience.
I will try out ImageCave again in the near future, as they do seem to be working out their issues with their reportedly aging servers.
Anyway, these are images from a portion of a VFX project I did for the (now-defunct) Houston skateboarding shop Freestylin’.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thursday, August 06, 2009
John Hughes is Gone
He was 59.
I am in a state of pure shock.
Links below talk about this absolutely jolting event.
CNN, of course